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CROSS Safety Alert

Snow loads on agricultural and other building structures

Region: CROSS-UK, CROSS-AUS, CROSS-US Published: 1 March 2011


Snowfalls in 2010, and in the early part of 2011, caused a significant number of agricultural and associated buildings in Scotland, and a small number in the North of England, to partially fail or to collapse.

The likely causes include the build-up or drifting of snow on roofs, the age of the buildings, weaknesses in original design or construction, and lack of maintenance. In some cases, snow depths of 50-60cm on roofs were reported.

Note: this Safety Alert was published by SCOSS (Standing Committee on Structural Safety). Since March 2021, SCOSS is integrated under the name Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures (CROSS).

Who should read this?

Those engaged in the design and construction of agricultural buildings in regions that may be subject to high snowfall. These include farmers, designers, fabricators, and local authority Building Control.

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