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CROSS Safety Alert

Tension cable and rod connectors

Region: CROSS-UK, CROSS-AUS, CROSS-US Published: 1 August 2012


In a number of instances, suspension fork connectors for high strength steel bars (cables or rods) acting in tension have failed at loads well below the intended design capacity or have been found to be substandard either during construction or in service.

Tension rods and their connectors are usually sold as proprietary products. There is a concern that they can be accepted into a design based on generic information provided by the manufacturer, rather than by verification against the specific performance requirements of a project.

The key properties are strength, ductility and toughness.

Note: this Safety Alert was published by SCOSS (Standing Committee on Structural Safety). Since March 2021, SCOSS is integrated under the name Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures (CROSS).

Who should read this?

Those who own or commission or design or construct structures which contain steel tension elements with end connectors. Principal Designers, civil and structural engineers, Principal Contractors, contractors, steelwork fabricators.

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