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CROSS Safety Report

Cost of access to codes and standards

Report ID: 923 Published: 13 December 2022 Region: CROSS-UK


A reporter is concerned that the latest codes may not always be being used because of price, and they believe that there should be free library access to British Standards to members of professional institutions.

Key Learning Outcomes

For civil and structural design engineers:

  • Be aware that there is a legal/insurance requirement to use current codes, and the cost of these as a reason for not using them would not be accepted by a court in the event of a problem

Full Report

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The Full Report below has been submitted to CROSS and describes the reporter’s experience. The text has been edited for clarity and to ensure anonymity and confidentiality by removing any identifiable details. If you would like to know more about our secure reporting process or submit a report yourself, please visit the reporting to CROSS-UK page.


A correspondent is always intrigued by the reports and comments which highlight the latest codes and standards which should have been used in preference to an outdated reference (albeit that was not in itself at fault). It is clear that continuing professional development is always going to be required if engineers are to minimise risks.

There are several instances cited in CROSS reports where works are to be specified within current codes but it is mostly in hindsight that CROSS points out that procedure wasn't followed. In the opinion of the correspondent the latest codes may not be being used because of price and they believe that there should be free library access to British Standards to members of professional institutions.

Expert Panel Comments

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CROSS recommends the use of up to date codes to help prevent future similar occurrences that may have been due to the use of outdated codes. There is a legal/insurance requirement to use current codes, and the cost of these as a reason for not using them would not be accepted by a court in the event of a problem.

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