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CROSS Safety Report

Structural bolts and CE marking - advice wanted

Report ID: 416 Published: 1 April 2014 Region: CROSS-UK

This report is over 2 years old

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A reporter seeks advice in relation to the required documents for purchasing and using structural bolts.

Key Learning Outcomes

For construction professionals:

  • Be aware that The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and the harmonised standards for non-preloaded bolts (BS EN 15048-1) and pre-loadable bolts (BS EN 14399-1) make it clear that construction products covered by a harmonized European Standard should have both CE marking and a declaration of performance (DoP)

  • Typically, the CE marking will be affixed visibly, legibly and indelibly to the construction product. Where this is not possible it should be affixed to the packaging or to the accompanying documents.

Full Report

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The Full Report below has been submitted to CROSS and describes the reporter’s experience. The text has been edited for clarity and to ensure anonymity and confidentiality by removing any identifiable details. If you would like to know more about our secure reporting process or submit a report yourself, please visit the reporting to CROSS-UK page.


Can you please help in connection with the required documents for purchasing and using structural bolts? A steel fabricator client is purchasing CE structural bolts and we have been supplied with a Manufacturer’s Declaration of Performance and marks (for grade / structural bolt rating / manufacturer) on the bolts that relate to the Manufacturer. However, there is no documented statement or certificate with the bolts to say that they are CE Marked. Is this sufficient?

Expert Panel Comments

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The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and the harmonised standards for non-preloaded bolts (BS EN 15048-1) and pre-loadable bolts (BS EN 14399-1) make it clear that construction products covered by a harmonized European Standard should have both CE marking and a declaration of performance (DoP). The DoP can be on a website but the CE marking should accompany the product.  

The harmonized standard will state the CE marking requirements. For example, Annex ZA of BS EN 14399-1 requires the CE marking to be on the bolt packaging.  Article 9(1) of the Construction Products Regulation is quite clear on this:

‘The CE marking shall be affixed visibly, legibly and indelibly to the construction product or to a label attached to it. Where this is not possible or not warranted on account of the nature of the product, it shall be affixed to the packaging or to the accompanying documents.’

The CPR is enforced by local authorities (generally trading standards or equivalent).

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