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Case Studies on Failure Investigations In Structural and Geotechnical Engineering

Publisher: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Published: 26 September 2023


This monograph presents case studies on failure investigations in structural and geotechnical engineering in three sections: building collapses, bridge collapses, and structural failures leading to the loss of serviceability of the structure (failures without collapse). 

It is the result of the work lead by the IABSE's Task Group 5.1 (TG5.1) ‘Forensic Structural Engineering’. The work of TG5.1 is not limited to any building material or type of structure and focuses on the exchange of knowledge on causes (technical, human, and/or organizational) of structural failures and on forensic investigation methods and techniques. 

The case studies are selected from a wide range of reported and investigated structural failures. The mongraph covers a wide range of causes, technical and legal investigation processes, and highlights the lessons learnt for each of the described structural failures. The main aim is to use emblematic case studies to show procedures that can be used when dealing with structural failures. In addition to obtaining a deeper insight into the technical causes for structural failure, the reader would be duly informed about the different countries’ legal issues related to the investigation process.

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